Other Services

has slowly grown the services it offers in Johnson County, KS to include:
Snow Removal
Call today for a free estimate on clearing your parking lot, driveway and sidewalks for the coming winter. We will customize a snow removal program to meet your needs. Don’t wait until it snows, PLAN AHEAD.
Gutter Cleaning
Call today for a free estimate on cleaning your gutters. We will clear your gutters of any debris and flush the down spouts to assure proper drainage. We will also cut back any tree limbs that have grown over your roof. This will help prevent any future damage to your roof or gutters. Gutter cleaning is available year round.
Lawn & Landscape Work
- LAWN MOWING is available throughout the summer growing season. In addition, we are available for occasional mowing when you become too busy to keep up or when you might take a well deserved vacation.
- LAWN AERATION in the Fall and early Spring will help control thatch build up in your lawn. Aerating will also reduce soil compaction, allowing for healthier grass.
- FALL AND SPRING CLEAN-UP is necessary in keeping up your lawns appearance. Let us pick up your leaves in the Fall. In the Spring we can pickup leaves and any debris Winter has left behind and ready your lawn for the coming season. We can reseed bare spots in your lawn as well as plant trees, bushes and flowers. We will also put down fresh mulch in a variety of types.
- TREES AND BUSHES – Spring and Fall is the best time to cutback any overgrown trees or bushes. It is also a good time to cut down and remove any dead or unwanted trees or bushes. We can also replace trees or bushes at this time.